Explode Your Coaching Biz Show

Episode #411 How My Coach Ian Philip James Helped Me Save My Business and Find Again My Happiness and Drive



Welcome to another episode of Expert To Authority Show, brought to you by http://gtex.org.uk/, I am your host, Simone Vincenzi, The Experts Strategist, and this is the podcast for experts who want to become the ultimate authority in their niche while making an impact in the world. We have created the Webinar Conversion Kit where you will get access to: The High-Converting Webinar Framework BONUS #1: High-Converting Webinar Slide Template BONUS #2: Pitch and Follow Up Templates BONUS #3: High Converting Webinars Case Studies BONUS #4: Our Trello Webinar Checklist All of this for only £29.99 for a limited period of time. Click here to download. https://webinarconversionkit.com/ Today I have the pleasure to Interview Ian Philip James Ian love helping people and teams to solve tricky, thorny and complex problems by imaginatively and curiously untangling them bit by bit. His super powers are asking powerful questions that unlock thinking and helping people to identify and cut straight to the point of an