Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #312 Fat Loss Q&A



As a follow up to episode #311, on this show I’m getting into the details of various hormone conditions that make fat loss a more frustrating battle than usual. These include autoimmune or chronic infections that generate a lot of inflammation and fatigue. As well I talk about dealing with low thyroid and thus a slow metabolism, hypothalamic amenorrhea and some strategies to think about finding your perfect calorie or macro number. And of course, I get into one super juicy question about the exact hormone changes that occur in menopause/perimenopause that we need to work with so differently when it comes to our metabolism than we did in our 30s.  With all of these issues it can be harder - but it is not impossible! I cover a few levers to pull to move you toward you fat loss goal without wrecking your hormones.   To work with Dr Brooke click here and if you loved this episode please leave a review!     Follow Dr Brooke on Instagram and get signed up for my awesome emails here. Seriously,I write really great e