Sex Talk With My Mom

443 Is Rimming Hygienic?



☎️ Text us! 310-356-3920 ☎️ You guys know, we're constantly complaining about our medical issues. To repay you for all your patience with our anxiety, we're flipping the script and offering our armchair medical advice* for all YOUR ailments. We're answering questions like, Is rimming hygienic? and I have a penis the size of a zucchini and a few warts on it… should I be concerned? *Please note that we have ZERO medical training and our advice is highly unqualified and should NOT be followed.* Also, thank you to the one listener who asked me about the growth on my neck. I've been searching for days and still can't find it. Please support our show and get discounts on our favorite brands by using our sponsors' links here! DIPSEA – Want to get turned on? Dipsea is an audio app that features short, sexy stories and guided masturbation sessions. Get an extended 30-day free membership when you visit! AFTERGLOW – Enjoy porn you can learn from. Use code XOSEXTALK and get a seven-day free trial a