Homers Leadership Podcast

7. The 4 Best Character Traits For Your Team



Big thought: An organization’s culture is built by the values that are either intentionally made or neglectfully allowed within the teams who are leading. With so many different personality traits and characteristics, what are some of the most valuable ones to have for your team? Authenticity. This boils down to trust and believing “who” you’re talking to. Teachability. This boils down to having emotional maturity and being able to be guided. Loyalty. This boils down to commitment and being willing to stick things out when times are confusing or difficult. Brokenness. This boils down to having a sense of experience and ability to overcome. Take away: Which single trait do you align with the most? Once you identify it, lead with it. Without limiting it to the four values discussed today, evaluate the individuals on your team and distinguish which single character value they each identify with the most. How can you practically start imparting these qualities within your team or organization? TAP