Mostly Minutia

Ep31 Pam Atherton



Happy International Podcast Day! What a better way to celebrate than to interview someone who also hosts a show! In this episode, Pam Atherton and I talk everything curiosity. Pam Atherton is an A plus, top notch, knock your socks off interviewer and host. She has a beautiful voice and she happens to be a personal hero of mine. Pam has worked in radio for years. She is the host of "A Closer Look" with the tagline "We go where curiosity takes us" and this tagline explains Pam to a T. She has interviewed a plethora of guests from olympians and life coaches to celebrities, and authors. Her guests include Cher, Willie Nelson, Carl Reiner, Madeleine Albright, and Buzz Aldrin to name a few. Pam gets an A for hospitality. Her bedside manner is on fleek. She makes her guests feel welcome and showers them with compliments and thanks them for their time. She also reads their books, which I found out is a practice that sometimes other interviewers do not partake in.  A Closer Look - Workshop wit