Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks; Episode 26, The Road Out; Exceptional Challenges on the TSC Path with PhD Psychotherapist & Special Needs Mom, Ginger Sullivan



Ph.D. Psychotherapist, Writer, and Special Needs Mom, Ginger Sullivan, gives us some of her insight, wisdom, and humor gleaned from over 26 years as a therapist in the D.C. area. We discuss the therapeutic process and the exceptional challenges to the psychological well being of special needs parents/caregivers managing chronic ongoing stress. She details how this chronic stress can impact our relationships with our children, ourselves, and our partners. Finally, she shares some DIY tips on staying psychologically healthy, the use of medications in treatment and the range of treatment options available. I was grateful to hang out briefly via audio with my "old" college friend and glean some gems from the goldmine of her vast lived and learned experience.