Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! Calming the Chaos with Brooke Alisha~TSC/TAND Advocate, Adult/Parent Living with TSC, Hair Stylist, Thriver!



I had the extreme honor of interviewing Brooke Alisha, TSC Advocate, Parent, Adult Living with TSC, Adult Regional Coordinator for Adult Support Region 5, LeVel Promotor. She has quite a story of challenges and hurdles, traumatic events, and heartache but also MUCH resilience, inner fortitude, a heart of love and hope.Diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC is a condition that causes benign tumors to grow in different organs of the body) at the age of 18, Brooke gives us a picture, “I was very active. I was a cheerleader. I was in a precision ice skating team. I was very active in my church. I was in a traveling singing group. We had so many things. So for me, my life was.. always on the go and involved in something, a part of something and suddenly, I was on Darvocet and it literally brought me to my knees. I was in the middle of hair school. I had just started after I graduated. And I missed three months. I had to take medical leave because I couldn't get up. I was afraid to hurt my kidneys and the s