Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! The Ongoing Toll of War-Veterans, PTSD & Cannabis, with Chris Chambers, Purple Heart Vietnam Vet, Founder~Vet Meds Matter



I got the chance to interview Chris Chambers recently. I saw him on a video Mike Robinson posted during the 100, 000, 000 million mg CBD giveaway and was impressed with his story. In our first conversation, (of which it took 3 to get this audio! :)), Chris mentioned being a Quaker. I immediately felt a connection as my own father was immersed in this philosophy/denomination towards the end of his life and the tenets of kindness and value in every human being despite any external circumstances were a huge part of his mantra. The same can be said for Chris, which you will hear echoed throughout this episode. Chris Chambers is a generous, humble, living piece of art! He gave us details on his life since his early childhood, through his experiences in the army, and through many rough patches that he’s been through. He truly has shocking experiences, and now he is happy to be breathing and being able to do good to this world. A truly humble human being that can be considered a living miracle.He has an extensive r