Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! What Is A Green Nurse? Episode 2, Nurse Bonnie, Bonnie Drake~Cannabis Evangelist



Thanks for listening! It was a pleasure to interview "Nurse Bonnie". Bonnie Drake, BSN/CRT, Member of the American Cannabis Nurses Association, CBD/HEMP Advocate is a Green Nurse with an extensive history and medical past with a background in nursing herself. She was introduced to CBD when her service dog started suffering from arthritis and Cardiomyopathy. From the exceptional results, she wondered what else CBD could do and started to research for her own physical conditions. Which is when she ran into Mike Robinson and his compassion care program.CBD allowed Bonnie to become Opioid free within six months after ten years of “Prescribed Addiction,” allowed her to walk on fractured and dislocated great toe for three weeks without pain, and allowed her to endure a three-hour surgical procedure without anesthesia or nerve block. Overall, Bonnie says, “Gives me energy and helps me live my life helping others.” She is another Forest Bather enthusiast who has encountered the magnificent benefits with the improv