Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

203 Receive the Support You Desire & Require This Year (#1 of 3 in Series)



“We have become so self-sufficient as women that we often don’t consider the support we need, and even when it does show up, we struggle to fully receive it.” These are the words that start Chapter 8 in my book Overwhelmed and Over It which is the chapter that gets to the root about why we push away support or don't receive the support we need, and then up burned out, and stretched too thin. In this 3-part series, Receive the Support You Desire & Require this Year, we take a stand together to get real and practical about how we ensure you DO get the support you need, require and desire, and/or make different choices based on the resources you have.   I was going to do this as one episode, but when I felt into what would really serve us, a deeper dive into you FEELING and BEING supported on all levels came through loud and clear.  In Part 1 we will explore and dive into some of the key wisdom teachings that create the foundation for support to actually show up in and grow in your life, including: It is no