Jay Pitt

Dennis Ericksen live on #PiffRadio



https://instagram.com/denniserichsen1Who is this Dennis from Sweden? Dennis is a soon to be 41Year old male that has 2 daughters and a wife! Who is he? He is a person that never surrendered to anyone or anything in his lifetime, always moving forward to better this planet! His passions are quite easy to understand, he loves the ocean loves people and keeps his family close.He has started a new adventure that will help people with the basic thing like loving instead of hating. He will sail from Sweden in a smaller sailboat all the way to New York just to raise awareness that divided we fall United we stand! He doesn’t have any political belongings, since he believes that you can’t trust people that decides about your future behind locked doors. His passion for inclusion and diversity can only be topped by his love for his family. During his almost 8 month long sail he will stop in 17 different ports and have an event to celebrate and highlight how fun life can be when we are United!That’s Dennis I hope you sup