Payments Innovation: Fintech | Innovation | Ecommerce

Bringing B2C Ecommerce to the B2B World with John Tomich



Buying from Amazon versus ordering from a catalog. One is a lot easier than the other.  One is a lot faster than the other. And one feels a whole lot more “2018” than the other. So why do many B2B companies still make purchases through outdated means?  John Tomich is the CEO & Co-Founder at Credit Key, and he believes that many B2B practices are lagging 10+ years behind B2C, and that includes ecommerce.  But the tide is shifting. As people are getting used to purchasing B2C products so easily through Amazon and other online retailers, they are starting to expect the same experience on the B2B side of things.  Why should they have crawl through a clunky, poorly designed distributor site? Or order manually through a catalog? Yes, that still happens! John’s company, Credit Key, is bringing that simple shopping cart solution to the B2B world.  Their platform allows B2B companies to offer innovative payment options and real-time credit extensions all within an easy to use interface that matches B2C Ecommerce e