Payments Innovation: Fintech | Innovation | Ecommerce

Navigating the World of Remote Hiring with Aurel Albrecht



One of the greatest silver linings to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the obliteration of the requirement of physical proximity to the office.Where you once had to target your hiring practices and campaigns to a specific area, now a lot of companies have dropped their geographical requirements all together, allowing you to work from anywhere.And while that’s good news for the employee, it presents some unique challenges for the employer, specifically if they’re hiring international employees in locations where they don’t have an entity. On this episode of Payments Innovation, we talk with Aurel Albrecht, Founder at Lano, about:How Lano can help you break down those geographic walls when it comes to hiringWhy the remote work trend is so good for businessesThe key challenges that companies should be thinking about when hiring remotelyThe opportunities Lano and their clients are seeing from a multi-currency perspectiveTo ensure that you never miss an episode of Payments Innovation, subscribe on Apple