Shrill Reviews

Under the Influence of Skates & Butt-Naked Cyclists - S2 E3 & E4 'Shrill' Review & Recap



Episodes 3 "Skate" and Episode 4 "Freak" from Season 2 Annie has been liberated from her stifling job for a month now but realizes she prefers being constrained over being broke and hungry! She tries to save face as her former co-worker friends ask how things are going after she made such a dramatic exit. She tells them she landed a job at the Tribune but the truth is... the interview at the Tribune crashed and burned. She gets invited to rude Ruthie's Skating Birthday Party and uses this meetup with the old crew as an opportunity to ask for her old job back. Annie takes advantage of the bottomless cocktails and Gabe takes advantage of the bottomless cocaine-like ketamine. The ketamine eventually leaves Gabe unconscious, but not before he agrees to take Annie back at The Weekly Thorn. These nemesis call a truce as she escorts him to an Uber to see that he makes it home alive. Rachel feels whole again and Ryan is still unemployed. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Rachel Goodman @rachelgoodmanauthor and An