Teaching Artistry With Courtney J. Boddie

Episode 59, ACT 2: Aminisha Ferdinand - Divine Self Development



Hello, PODience! We’re back with Act 2 of Episode 59: “Divine Self Development.” “Everybody’s story is so different,” says Courtney to our newest featured guest, Aminisha Ferdinand. In the first part of this two-episode arc, we posed the essential questions: What ignites something in you that must be expressed through art that cannot be expressed through words? Where do you fit on the spectrum of artistry? And we’re going to stick with and build upon those questions. In Act 2 of Episode 59, Courtney and Aminisha continue their deeply philosophical conversation about what it means to fall into or find one’s way to the arts. When Aminisha was young, people told her that she was “good at [theater and dance]” and she admittedly “like[s] to do things that [she] feels [she’s] good at.” This time around the discussion really begins to focus on what happens when dreams shift, the universe takes a hand and one finds themself doing something they know they want to do but it’s in the wrong space and time. What does it