Chris Wallker

You are the Environment You Create... Your Power of Thought



in our lives, things are gonna come and go in our lives people are going to come and go in our lives. Our wealth is going to grow and shrink and grow and grow, shrink, grow. All these things move. And that's the beauty of the of the world around us. We don't know what is going to happen in Russia and the Ukraine. We don't know whether an aeroplane is going to flip upside down Nepal and kill people we don't know. And in that not knowing there is proof that relying on the outer world to create the environment of our inner world is very foolish. Relying on a relationship to make us happy. Relying on our children behaving in the way we want to make us happy is not the way it's meant to be relying on how much money we earn to make us happy is not the way it's meant to be. We have control of the environment within us. And then we read the newspaper. The question is going to be does the newspaper reading affect the environment within and there's the power of being a human being the environment within and so as I clo