Adp: Col. Kevin Randle (ret), Phd

Kevin Randle Interviews - ROBERT POWELL - Scientific Coalition for Ufology (SCU)



Robert Powell - Robert Powell was born in La Rochelle, France in 1953 and moved to the U.S. when he was 3 years old. He has a BS in Chemistry and is a former collegiate debater. He has 28-years-experience in engineering management in the semiconductor industry. He helped Advanced Micro Devices develop its first flash memory technology that is used in today’s flash cards for cameras, PCs, video cameras, and other products. His experience includes managing a state-of-the-art chemistry laboratory and managing a Research and Development group that worked on nanotechnology using atomic force microscopes, near-field optical microscopy, and other techniques. Robert is also a co-holder of four patents related to nanotechnology.Robert Powell has been the Director of Research at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) since 2007 and is also the head of MUFON's Science Review Board. He is also a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, the UFODATA project, the Scientific Coalition for Ufology, and the National Space Soc