Pursuit Of Bliss

Letting Go, Releasing Control & Moving Through a Death & Rebirth Process



In this episode Kristen shares her experience with navigating a death and rebirth portal, letting go or moving on when the heart doesn’t want to, and what you can do if you don't feel over something in your life right now.   Topics in this episode: Navigating repressed emotions and death portals What happens when you deny an inner truth The healing process of moving through heartache/letting go when you don’t want to What you have to do to experience more joy and peace The consequence of numbing and closing your heart The collective shifts happening in the world and what we are all working through The unconscious pattern many are repeating right now   CONNECT WITH KRISTEN: Sign up for the Retreat in Greece: http://eyiaretreats.com/unleash-your-radiance-retreat-with-kristen/ Apply to work 1:1 with Kristen: https://manifestingabundance.typeform.com/to/RzGNVeiG?typeform Apply for Rebirth here: https://form.typeform.com/to/yuTgiKDo?typeform-source=shor.by Apply for BAA here: https://www.pursuitofbliss.com/blissf