Ccr Sermons

Jesus Is My Iconoclast



Discovering Jesus in the New Testament #03 Jesus My Iconoclast By Louie Marsh, 1-22-2023   iconoclast   noun a person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc., as being based on error or superstition. a breaker or destroyer of images, especially those set up for religious veneration.   The term originates from the Byzantine Iconoclasm, the struggles between proponents and opponents of religious icons in the Byzantine Empire from 726 to 842 AD. Degrees of iconoclasm vary greatly among religions and their branches, but are strongest in religions which oppose idolatry, including the Abrahamic religions. Outside of the religious context, iconoclasm can refer to movements for widespread destruction in symbols of an ideology or cause, such as the destruction of monarchist symbols during the French Revolution.   Pictures of Jesus   1) Jesus always spoke to the HEART of the matter.   He tore things down to EXPOSE the idols of our hearts.   “1Then certain of the elders of Israel came to me and s