Beth Jones International Speaker

Say yes



What do you want to say yes to in 2023? This was a question that I heard this week on K-Love Radio Station. When K-Love's staff asked their listeners this, the top 3 answers were traveling, friendships, and social activities. What do you want to do this new year? What do you also need to say no to? This is just as important as the yes question. Most of all, what does God want you to say yes to this year (or no to)? Pray and journal about these questions. You might also talk with your spouse, a friend, a therapist, a pastor, or a coach. Start today, right now. Live a life that you love.  Quotes: "You can only get more in life by saying yes." (Marshall Sylver) "Destiny is saying yes to the calling we were born with." (Alberto Villodo) "The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure." (Joseph Campbell) A great Scripture to reflect on is Ephesians 3:20, The Message: "God can do anything, you know --far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wi