Sharp - The Podcast

To do with todoist – STP061



Episode 61 - Do you keep your tasks on a post-it note? Or are you happy using technology? We look at how "todoist" can help a range of people across a variety of situations. (Warning - episode features multiple references to Findus Crispy Pancakes.)Look at all this stuff we covered:Amir's story - the brains behind todoistHow a 'rootless' upbringing seems to have resulted in a great business ethosIf you're using pen and paper what could an app like todoist do for you? Freeing up your mental spaceKeeping track of what you've got onIntroducing the 3 levels we're going to explore: Wanda - who doesn't like technology and has simple needsEmma - with a more sophisticated life, Emma has a need for something more structured to help her manage lots of varietyTheresa - a full project and team manager who has complex needsWhy I converted to todoistLevel 1 (Wanda) Creating a shopping listUsing Alexa - (if you have one, you might wanna turn it off while you're listening)Sharing lists with people (unless you've bought funga