

Taking Arts Ministry to a Higher Level! Jade Harrell with Tamara Crawford-ThomasFounder and Artistic Director and Trynai Braselman of SHABACH ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS MINISTRY Shabach Artistic Expressions Ministry is a not-for-profit, Christian-based, traveling, repertory theater company that encompasses all artistic genres. Their mission is to provide quality faith-based performing artistry and performing arts instruction to men, women, boys and girls of all races and ethnicities, in order to uplift, edify and inspire them to seek, and encourage others to seek, more fulfilling lives by greater relationship with God. ‘Using the Power of the Arts to Empower’ Events: 1st Annual Arts Ministry Conference Thursday, July 16 @ 5:30 PM — Saturday, July 18 @ 4:30 PM St Louis Christian College, 1360 Grandview Drive, St. Louis 'The Chronicles of Namow' Saturday, July 18 @ 7:30 PM St. Louis Christian College, 1360 Grandview Drive, St. Louis Check out a sneak peek of our upcoming, all-women, 'dramatry' called,'The Chron