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Jade Harrell w/ Rachel Winograd & UMSL's Response to Rampant Opioid Crisis



Jade Harrell with Rachel Winograd, Assistant Research Professor with UMSL, the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH). She leads an extensive effort called the Opioid Crisis Targeted Response. The opioid epidemic is hitting a lot of people and families in Missouri with no exception. Last year in Missouri we lost upwards of 900 people. It is the biggest public health emergency of our lifetime. Looking at the number of people who died of fatal overdose, 2016 was the biggest year in recent history the numbers are rising. Last year, for example, we lost more people from overdose than we lost from gun violence or vehicle accidents or than we lost at the height of the HIV epidemic in the 90s. We lost more people last year alone than we lost in the entirety of the Vietnam War. Rachel and the organization have been granted 20 million dollars over the course of two years and they're dividing that between prevention treatment and recovery support services. The bulk of dollars are going to treatment. The goal