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Jade Harrell w/ the Africa World Documentary Film Festival



Jade Harrell with Dr. Niyi Coker, Founder and Festival Director of the Africa World Documentary Film Festival. For its eleventh season, the annual Africa World Documentary Film Festival, sponsored by the E. Desmond Lee Professorship through UMSL’s African/African American Studies at the International Studies and Programs office at will take place at the Missouri History Museum. The international festival, which is committed to the promotion of knowledge, life and culture of the people of Africa worldwide, in a Pan-African context through cinema, will feature 24 films from 16 different countries, including South Africa, Norway, Nigeria, South United Kingdom, Brazil, Haiti and the USA during its official opening in St. Louis, MO. After the opening weekend in St. Louis, the festival travels to different venues in US and around the world, including Philadelphia, Ghana, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, South Africa and the United Kingdom. The festival selected excellent documentaries submitted by filmma