By Faith With Christine Hoover

Sunday Mornings With Young Kids (an interview with Lindsey Carlson)



Sunday mornings can feel incredibly stressful, especially when you have young kids. Lindsey Carlson, pastor’s wife and mom of five, shares how she manages the chaos by having appropriate expectations of her kids, seeking the Spirit’s guidance, and relying on grab-n-go breakfasts.   SHOW NOTES Recognize Sundays will be chaotic. Preparation and clear expectations help minimize the chaos. Remind your kids that they are not coming to church to be looked at or to impress anyone. They are coming because they are participants in the Body of Christ. When disciplining your kids at church, ask the Spirit to help you focus on what you are trying to teach your child, not on what everyone else is thinking. QUOTES “As a pastor’s wife, you have to reconcile the fact that Sunday is going to be the craziest day of the week. How can I minimize the chaos and show up as a servant to my husband, and my church body, but also to my kids that are along for the ride? While there are things that I can’t control