Mind Matters

Counseling In a Neurodiversity-Affirming World



What does it take to make a counseling practice neurodiversity-affirming? What do we need for the wider mental health community to understand or embrace in order to better support neurodivergent people? Dr. Andy Kahn from Understood.org is here to talk with Emily Kircher-Morris about these subjects and many more. The Belin-Blank Center is a proud sponsor of episode 154, for more information, go to www.BelinBlank.org. Here’s a link to the Neurodiversity University, where  you can find info on our first two courses, Strategies for Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students, and Foundations of Dyslexia for Educators. We’ll be adding courses for parents, mental health professionals, and more as we enter 2023, so look for more information along the way. ABOUT THE GUEST - Dr. Andrew Kahn is a licensed psychologist specializing in working with neurodivergent individuals. He’s also the Associate Director of Behavior Change & Expertise for Understood.org. His extensive experience within the public school system encomp