Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Get Out Cha Self



Hey Fam, This episode is about diversity. It is about reaching out to those unlike us. Diversity requires us to be open to differences. We in the LGBTQ community need to live up to who we say we are. We need to take chances. Risk requires courage but without risk there is no reward. Stepping out of our comfort zone, provides the opportunity to learn that we all want the same thing. We have the same needs and desires. We want our families to remain intact. We want our children to be successful.  Personally M.T. and I both have diverse friends. I always have and it is so important to my growth and being able to relate to those who are different than I. Learning other cultures helps us to know one another. In order to do this, you must be able to get out cha self!  Let's be comfortable enough in our skin to allow people to be themselves. Again - get out cha self! **The football team is the KC Titans** Remember that you are loved and we love you all. Thank you for listening.  Light & Love...SS & MT