Morning Matcha

Your Immunity & Your Mouth with Dr. Victor Zeines



Welcome back to THE FULLEST Podcast. We're excited to launch our first episode of 2023 with holistic dentist Dr. Victor Zeines. A pioneer of holistic dentistry for over 25 years, you may have read his foreword in Nadine Artemis' book, Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums. As you'll hear in this episode, Dr. Victor is a font of information on the body-mouth connection, and we cover a range of issues about this correlation. You'll learn about the link between gut health and oral health, the power of our immunity to heal our teeth and gums, food and supplementation and emerging dental technologies. If you've been looking to educate yourself on this often-overlooked area of wellness, this episode is a must!