My Seven Chakras

14: Keri Nola will teach you to use your anxiety and vulnerability as a catalyst to awaken your gifts



Keri is an intuitive psychotherapist, best-selling author and founder of the Conscious Coaching Academy for healing entrepreneurs. She uses a blend of traditional and holistic techniques to create products and experiences that support people in reconnecting with their authentic selves, reclaiming their power and living the lives they deserve and desire. Her real life experience paired with her extensive education and work background makes her a compassionate, balanced and sought-after professional in working through complex life issues. Specializing in using alternative modalties, Keri guides people on their journeys to peace using psychotherapy and coaching including modalities such as Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Technique, and Intuitive/Energetic Healing among others. She understands that even though people may have the best of intentions in discovering joy, they can let life get in the way and block the growth to this divine right. Her purpose includes helping people