My Seven Chakras

88: Financial Independence - Understand the Spiritual Laws of money and attract Abundance with Adhis Boucha



Adhis Boucha is the New Money Mama and a money breakthrough mentor for women (and a few wise men) who are ready to invite prosperity into their lives. With almost 20 years in business, she guides clients in breaking through their money-hang-ups, identifying their God-given gifts, and creating wealth using those talents. She has helped healers and artistic creators take their ideas from thoughts to profitable businesses. She also finds it a great blessing to watch women and men overcome limiting beliefs and program their minds with thoughts and habits that invite clients and fulfilling relationships into their lives. Claim your FREE gift for listening to his episode at Click here to visit the show notes page!   Like this episode? Please leave an honest rating on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them. P.S: Just takes a minute! :)   SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES  Click