My Seven Chakras

97: Feng Shui: Powerful tips for achieving harmony with the principles of natural energy flow



Kurly Marwaha is an accomplished Feng Shui Master who is respected for bringing a fresh educational style approach, which teaches and supports clients with the implementation of Feng Shui, through to achieving tangible results. Kurly began her journey with Feng Shui 23 years ago and has apprenticed alongside masters to gain experience of successful applications and activations of Feng Shui. She is RCFSI (Feng Shui Institute, UK). She came to Feng Shui when she was in need of healing in her own body having experienced extreme debilitating symptoms throughout her childhood, and having tried orthodox medicine, alternative therapies and many ‘woohoo’ approaches. Feng Shui brought together years of study and gave her a tangible results orientated method that not only healed her body, but also started her achieving goals that she would otherwise have considered impossible, across all areas of her life. Learn more about Kurly at   Like this episode? Click here to visit the show notes