My Seven Chakras

100: 7 Life-lessons learned after 7 months of podcasting, 300,000 downloads and 100 episodes!



7 Fun facts about AJ 1) He is left handed. 2) His full name is Aditya Jaykumar. 3) He is a Gemini, born on June 8th. Make sure you wish him Happy Birthday ;) 4) He currently lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, although he is originally from India. 5) He loved Pizzas so much as a kid that his Dad once got him a Pizza for his birthday and put candles on in. (Needless to say, that made young AJ really happy). 6) He once had a vivid dream of living in a log house in the snow and growing organic tomatoes. (Crazy huh?) 7) He believes that you…that’s right…YOU…(the person reading this sentence right now!)….that you are a beautiful, immortal soul…powerful beyond measure. Whatever you are looking for in life, is looking for you too! :) P.S: Have your joined our Action-letters email series yet? This is where I share some exclusive ideas and insights that you can use right away to begin your Human Revolution! Head on over to P.P.S: As a welcome gift, you’ll get a document c