My Seven Chakras

103: Vitamin P – Find your passion, discover yourself and live your purpose with Corey Poirier



Corey Poirier is an award winning TEDx and keynote speaker (having presented to over 100,000 attendees and having shared the bill with Deepak Chopra, Stephen MR Covey, Television Personalities, etc.). He is also, the host of the top rated Conversations with PASSION Radio Show which features the likes of Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. (Five levels of attachment), Leadership Guru Robin Sharma, Turbo Jam Creator Chalene Johnson, John Gray (Men are from Mars), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy), Tom Ziglar, Guy Kawasaki, and hundreds more. Learn more about Corey Poirier on the links below:  Click here to visit the show notes page!   Like this episode? Please leave an honest rating on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter in the rankings of the show, and I read each and every one of them. P.S: Just takes a minute! :)   SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES  Click here to leave us a rating & review on