My Seven Chakras

106: Meditate Slim: Lose weight permanently with the power of your mind with Sarah Anne Stewart



Sarah Anne Stewart was thrown into the world of wellness as a teenager when her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Her family made a choice - to fight back with alternative medicine. Seven months later, her dad was declared cancer-free, and a spark was lit in Sarah that propelled her to dedicate her life to spreading the healings her family had discovered. Today, Sarah runs one of New York City’s leading private coaching practices, as a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner (AADP), with a primary focus on nutrition and permanent weight loss. Her heart-centered approach has allowed hundreds to reach their health goals naturally, without ‘crash' dieting. Claim your FREE E-book gift from Sarah by visiting Also, check out her course (Use CHAKRA30 for a 30% discount) Click here to visit the show notes page!   Like this episode? Please leave an honest rating on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They do matter