My Seven Chakras

119: Tibetan Shamanic Qigong: Learn and practice the Art of Being in the Flow with Lama Tantrapa



Lama Tantrapa is the founder of Academy of Qi Dao – the first and only School Qi Dao Coaching in the world – also the founder of Portland Qigong Clinic – one of just a handful of Qigong clinics in the United States. He is the executive producer and host of his own Internet Radio show “The Secrets of Qigong Masters.” He has authored two books, produced a film, recorded a meditation CD and other multimedia training materials. His unique background is complex enough to include serving in the Soviet Army’s Special Forces, being kidnapped in the Ukraine and going through several near-death experiences. His coaching has inspired many professional athletes, speakers, dancers, singers, writers and actors to open up to the infinite source of intuition that exists within everyone. Learn more about Lama Tantrapa by visiting Click here to visit the show notes page!   Like this episode? Please leave an honest rating on iTunes. Ratings and reviews are extremely helpful and greatly appreciated! They d