Faith Community Church Of Hopkinton

Generations: God Cares for the Next Generation



God cares about the next generation of believers. He always has. The Bible contains stories of young men and women who He used to do a great work (Joseph, David, Esther). They are both the future of the church and a present mission field. Every church is within forty years of disappearing. God cares about the Next Generation because they are the future leaders of the church. They will shape, direct, preach, persuade, care, inspire and lead the church in the future. If we care about the future of the church in America (and around the world), we will invest in guiding them to a deeper relaitonship with Christ and a greater love for others. God also cares for the next generation because they are a mission field for today. Over 80% of people who are Christians started that journey before they turned 18. They are open to faith discussions, a relationship with Christ and growing spiritually. They just need a church that values them, treats them with respect and seeks to guide them towards a Christ centered life.