Faith Community Church Of Hopkinton

World Without Ethics



Christ presented an ethic code that was not prevalent in His day. He calls us to love our enemies, lead by serving, and care for the poor. He promotes humility as a virtue (unheard of in the Roman world) and teaches that the way to greatness is through self-sacrifice. In a world that valued power, honor, and strength, His message was confusing and unusual. Yet, His virtues have taken over the world. We respect the humble over the proud, admire the compassionate and venerate those who serve others at their personal expense. Think of all the nonprofits, hospitals and government programs that have been birthed by these virtues. What would have happened to all those who have benefited from their generosity? Christ's ethics promote peace, compassion, mercy, and aid. Our world is better (ask those who receive the benefits of these virtues) because of Christ's teaching and call to follow.