
#34 Creating Uber Before Uber with Nimbus - Jabari's Words With Friends



Support this podcast with a tip for as little as $1 an episode at www.patreon.com/Jabari I met Ram Berrouet at my COLORS NYC party a while ago, he came to visit LA with his friends app developing friends Bryan Okeke and Chris Thomas and we had a great week. These guys are incredible entrepreneurs and have a lot of insight on technology that I think people will appreciate. They built an app called 'Grab Cabs' that was similar to UBER before UBER popped off. We talked about the challenges they faced with it, why they stopped, and how they were able to pivot into developing apps for one of the richest people in the world, billionaire Carlos Slim. Follow Nimbus: www.Nimbus.NYC Follow Jabari: www.youtube.com/Jabari www.twitter.com/Jabari www.instagram.com/Jabari www.facebook.com/JabariLife Jabari@iamjabari.com Words with Friends Artwork: Rodney Curl www.cargocollective.com/curl