Brick By Brick - With Antonio T. Smith Jr. And Tempestt Smith

4-23 Seminar Excitement



Antonio and Tempestt take you behind the scenes as they continue to build their company. In this behind-the-scenes episode, Tony and Tempestt hold their bi-weekly meeting which is customarily held over the phone. This is a good chance to see how to build a company and to ease drop on the weekly meetings for a start-up tech company. A few employees are in multiple companies that Tony own, so occasionally you will hear elements of those different companies discussed as well. In this episode, the employees of KodeInc were sent to a seminar hosted by Les Brown ( and returned to the company excited. Therefore, Tony allowed them to share their new found knowledge and set research goals for them, while Tempestt would give them a word of encouragement. Take as many tips and notes that work best for your company, dream, or business, and discard the rest. Please rate and comment and email your ideas or suggestions to or follow Antonio on Facebook: www.fa