Whence Came You? - Freemasonry Discussed And Masonic Research For Today's Freemason

Whence Came You? - 0577 - Human Progress



This week we look at Thomas Paine and his works which may have been instrumental in securing America's independence. Was he a Mason? If not, what were his Masonic connections? Then, we explore the idea of Shamanism as it pertains to world religions and, subsequently, Freemasonry. All this and more, stay tuned! Links: Think Online - Newsletter https://myemail.constantcontact.com/THINKonline---January-2023.html?soid=1105866148687&aid=NDDf-eZNzY0 Paine on Masonry https://allthingsliberty.com/2016/11/thomas-paine-deism-masonic-fraternity/ Shamanic Origins https://www.universalfreemasonry.org/en/article/shaman-thread-all-religions Craftsman+ FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/craftsmanplus/ WCY NFT https://wcypodcast.com/nft Get a Tarot Reading by RJ http://www.wcypodcast.com/tarot Masonic Curators https://www.youtube.com/c/MasonicCurators WCY Podcast YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/WhenceCameYou Ancient Modern Initiation: Special Edition http://www.wcypodcast.com/the-Shop The Ma