Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

The Year of More [Hebrews 10:19-25] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio



What do I want more of in 2023? 1. Nearness to God - draw near" [v.22] - When you draw near to God, you always draw nearer to God’s people. 2. Perseverance - "hold fast" [v.23] - We’re to hold fast to our confession because its content is true, verified by the blood of Christ and poured out to us in the gift of the Holy Spirit. 3. Stirring one another up - "to love and good works" [v.24] - What Christ has done should change things INSIDE of us in profound ways. But it also changes things OUTSIDE of us. By avoiding the gathering of believers, your faith becomes malnourished and your assurance withers away because you're neglecting the things that really matter. The goal is not to be legalistic in church attendance, but to be consistent in our priorities. What really matters? Sports, recreation, pleasure, leisure, or eternal things? We gather together, we reprioritize, we exhort, and we encourage each other because the Day of Christ is drawing near [v.25].