Radiate With Betty Liu

Jon Steinberg - The Importance of Unique Ideas



We’re back! After a brief hiatus, we’re starting again with a whole new lineup of great Radiate guests to talk about their amazing careers. Season 2 kicks off with someone I’ve wanted to meet for a while: Jon Steinberg, the former president and COO of Buzzfeed and founder of a new media startup, Cheddar TV. Jon joined Buzzfeed as just the 15th employee and was instrumental in turning it into one of the most popular media destinations on the web. Jon has some off-the-wall ideas about what makes someone successful, including why nicknames are a common thread among very accomplished people. In this episode, we learn about where he got his entrepreneurial bug and how he generated millions in revenue for Buzzfeed. There’s a great amount of sharp advice for anyone thinking about starting their own company.