Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

POWER PAUSE: Tune Into What Matters Most to You This Year - a Series of 4 Inquiries



There are many things you could do this year, many things you think you should do, or maybe this year you have no idea what to do!? Or maybe you are feeling like you'd rather just pull the cover over your head. Don't let the chaos and pressure of the world or the should's of your self-induced  pressure and thoughts swirl you up. Instead turn inward, tune into your heart and dare to tap into your deeper wisdom and desires and let those inspire and guide you. Wisdom teaches us to use the power and practice of "inquiry" to consider the path before moving into action. Not so we can have it all figured out like an agenda or project plan. But so we can be clear on our intentions, be connected to what's really in right timing, and to see what we can't see with our eyes but can sense with our deeper intuitive knowing ... if we slow down to listen.  Wisdom also teaches us ... the wisdom is within you for your most soul-aligned path ahead, the path that sustains you on all levels - mind, body, heart and spirit. And the