An Unexpected Podcast: Talkin' Tolkien

Episode #2 - A Long Expected Party



Join us as we "disappear" into Chapter I of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring! During this discussion, we'll stop in at the Ivy Bush, fill up the corners at the Party Field, and visit with Bilbo at Bag End. There is a 'gross' amount of detail in this chapter! Don't miss out on the firework sound effects and crazy accents!!! Join the discussion at The reread will continue on Jan. 28th! Make sure to read Chapter II, The Shadow of the Past. We'll see you in a fortnight! Follow Ezra & Lottie’s Projects:  Ezra Linktree: Lottie Linktree: If you'd like to support the show and get access to additional Middle Earth content then hit us up at Patreon: Patreon exclusive podcast series include:  There and Back Again – Lane’s travelog for New Zealand traveling LOTR fans Peekin’ in the Palantir- Predictions about the show/future of mi