Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

383: The Highly Profitable Quant Trader - Michael Grech



The Highly Profitable Quant Trader - Michael Grech In episode 383 of the Desire To Trade Podcast,  we will be listening to the recording of an interview with Michael Grech, an expert quantitative trader who has been in the market for 10 years. For many years, Michael has removed the guesswork in his investing decisions. To learn how he did it, you got to watch the full interview. The video is also available for you to watch on YouTube. >> Watch the video recording! Topics Covered In This Episode 00:16 Who is Michael Grech? 01:44 How he started trading 03:41 Michael's journey into quantitative trading 05:13 Parameters for profitable trading 09:21 Staying in the game after losing money 10:44 Michael's strategies 14:58 Coding your own algo 17:19 How to recover when algos that don't perform as expected 19:09 On variables... 21:31 Advice on filter strategy 23:37 Michael's preferences (inter-day, longer-term, etc.) 24:20 Dealing with algos that are not performing well 26:47 How many strategies make the best port