R&D Occasionally

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 17:06:12
  • More information



Randy and Dave discuss issues of the day. You know, podcasty kind of stuff.


  • Margin of Error

    13/11/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    Was it a close election? Or did disastrously wrong polls set Biden supporters up to feel let down? Randy and Dave hash out the politics of sorta-winning. And finally they find true disagreement on the value of the State Initiative process.

  • Dyin' O' Ruth, and the Supremes

    23/09/2020 Duration: 58min

    Will the Supreme Court battle energize Republicans more than Democrats? According to R&D, the outlook is not good. Randy Mansplains Abortion Rights Dave Demsplains Republicanism Our Viewers Don't Like Us


    28/05/2020 Duration: 50min

    Lockdown is making our urban environment, and our hair, wilder. But the human need for professional hair-dos is pushing us to re-open. Is it the right thing?

  • Lockdowns Loosen Up

    18/05/2020 Duration: 50min

    Randy and Dave argue over what reported virus numbers mean - just like everybody else.  Do sporting events have any standing if there's nobody in the stands?  And should you go to the dentist?

  • The Politics of Evidence

    06/05/2020 Duration: 53min

    The Dagnammit Duo™ hash out their opinions of facts - from the Reade allegations to reopening. Are our conclusions predetermined by how much we want Trump and Trumpers to lose?  Special guest @DavidGunderman makes the case that, yes, cancelling a cancerous President should be prioritized over Democrats shooting one of their own. Plus: MurderHornets™ - Aren't they the bee's torso?

  • The Randy & Dave Project LIVE

    27/04/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Well, it was live. Now it is preserved for your listening pleasure through a pickling process with a generous helping of *opine*. join Randy & Dave and guests as they discuss the creative outlets they’ve discovered at home and online. Later, the boys envision what a post Covid world will look like: a new utopia, or more of the shame?

  • What Novel Ways Will Corona Wire Us?

    17/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    How is online congregating helping us get along as a society, and what will we take with us when we're allowed to go outside? Plus, plenty of bad information from two guys who've been blissfully ignoring the headlines... *photo by Lauralee Chambers @2art.chambers

  • How Far Is Far Enough?*

    10/04/2020 Duration: 49min

    *If You're Moist From Sweating? How come the official rules of quarantine lag the need? And what will the rules be when we've gotten the "All Clear", or the "Some Clear"? R&D sort through the post-apocalyptic possibilities for

  • Don't Say Moist

    04/04/2020 Duration: 19min

    OK. This was gonna be really good. But Randy - who has a *computer consulting business* - blew it. He let the recording stop RIGHT WHEN IT WAS GETTING GOOD.  *THEN*, once we re-started the recorded segment of the podcast, he misread the length of the recording and cut us off before anything good could get going.  So blame him. Also, thank him, because it's less than 20 minutes. And we say "MOIST".

  • Back the F*ck Up, Piglet

    30/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    R&D are breaking it down so you can focus on having a breakdown: We give a quick snapshot of the coronavirus pandemic in America We discuss how much is too much when it comes to living a clean, quarantined life  Later, we move at least 6 feet away from the gloomy news by answering listener questions - It's a great way to get up-close-and-personal with Randy and Dave without getting infected.

  • Just Don’t Sneeze on Your Genitals

    27/03/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Randy and Dave welcome special guest And Dave (Gunderman) for this very special episode where we discuss Same Shi*, Different Day.

  • One Hundred Hours of Solitude

    24/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    Are we killing the economy to save lives from the Virus? And does that even f---king matter? What is safe sex in the COVId-19 era? Also, Woody Allen publishes, apparently unaware he's been cancelled.

  • Biden your time with COVID-19

    19/03/2020 Duration: 44min

    Let Down and Hangin Around? Join Randy & Dave with special guest Zoey G, a COVID-19 refugee sent home from school in NYC.  Displaced, disillusioned and disappointed, Zoey reveals a bit of her new life under the veil of a sanitizing wipe, and talks Sanders' revolution vs Warren's "middle way".  

  • Hand-washing or Hand-wringing?

    15/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    What to do when almost overnight our world has changed? Accept the new normal, freak out, or go about your business? Randy and Dave have stockpiled a whole bunch of ill-informed and unsanitized opinions on the subject for your social distancing pleasure.

  • Liars, Cheaters and Tribes. Oh my.

    19/01/2020 Duration: 38min

    Oh Captain, My (criminal) Captain. 2020: Differently-abling the candidates. Cheating: the national pastime. RU Asleep yet?

  • Trouble

    19/12/2019 Duration: 45min


  • Impeach Cobbler

    26/09/2019 Duration: 43min

    Impeach Cobbler... Tasty bites from the demise of America as told by Randy and Dave.

  • Puppies in a Tennis Ball Factory

    19/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    Dave’s been busy, so it’s his fault that we haven’t been putting out. But we’re back now, and boy do we have a LOT to say, much of it somewhat listenable. If you like jibber-jabber with a topical flair, you’ve come to the right place.  This week:  · How do you prioritize issues?  · Are assault-weapons the real "guns" problem ? What about handguns, that kill far more Americans?  · Is our national debt really anything?  and · Should a democratic nation deny entry to an ally’s elected leaders? So sit back, relax, and suffer a little bit for your country.

  • The Orange Elephant in the Room

    19/06/2019 Duration: 39min

    Tired of hearing about the His Royal Heinous? So are we! We talk about that... Also:  ●Dogma Is Clan's Best Friend (but Reason's Enemy) ●Randy Hates Soccer ●Freeways – Wider Is Not Better

  • Dave's Story

    09/06/2019 Duration: 36min

    In this special live, BREAKING episode Dave opens up about what it's like to answer to the toughest boss of all... himself. Also some political stuff.

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