Eat Blog Talk | Megan Porta



The Eat Blog Talk podcast features interviews with food bloggers and other experts who will bring insight into the world of food blogging. We will cover all the hot food blogging topics you want to learn about (think SEO, Pinterest and how to approach brands) and we will also discuss self-development and how it can improve your job performance, creativity, productivity and add value to your business! Eat Blog Talk will publish new episodes twice/week (Mon and Thur), so there is a lot of great stuff coming your way!


  • 523: 5 Ways to Bring More Money Into Your Business (Part 2 of 3) (Mindset & Self-Care)

    17/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    Are your thoughts about money generally positive or negative? Megan discusses the topic of money as energy as well as wealthy habits that will help increase our revenue. This is Part 2 of 3 about 5 ways to help us bring more money into our business. Our thoughts and beliefs influence our financial situation. Megan emphasizes this by exploring the importance of tracking and appreciating every penny earned and encouraging us to adopt wealthy habits and qualities, suggesting that creating a welcoming environment for money can lead to increased financial prosperity. She covers the following key points: - Money as Energy: Thoughts, beliefs, and actions influence the flow of wealth in your life. - Track and Appreciate Every Penny: Track every penny earned or found, and express gratitude for all forms of income, no matter how small. - Adopt Wealthy Habits and Qualities: What are the habits and qualities of wealthy individuals? Emulate these traits to attract abundance into your life. - Create a Welcoming Environment

  • 522: Create a Sustainable Income from Blogging (+How to Avoid Burn Out While Doing It) with Elizabeth Emery

    15/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    In episode 522, Elizabeth Emery teaches us how to create a sustainable income from blogging, finding joy and balance in our work without risking burnout. Elizabeth is a plant-based food blogger and recipe developer based in Vancouver BC. Her passion is showing people how fun and accessible vegan and plant-based eating can be. Elizabeth created and has run Vancouver with Love for 5 years and have turned it into a full-time income during that time. In this episode, you’ll learn about why you should find income streams that you are passionate about, why you should pick freelance work carefully, as well tips to work less hours for more money. Key points discussed: - Find Joy in Work: Find joy and passion in your blogging work to sustain long-term success. What aspect of blogging brings you most fulfilment? - Set Boundaries: Set clear boundaries to avoid burnout and work intentionally to condense work into four days a week, allowing for adequate rest and personal time. - Diversify Revenue: Diversifying revenue str

  • 521: Is Going To Culinary School Helpful For Food Bloggers? with Jessica Mode

    11/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    In episode 521, Megan chats to Jessica Mode about the impact of going to culinary school on her food blogging career, including learning new culinary skills, kitchen organization and choosing ingredients. Jessica Mode created Homebody Eats in 2019 as a way to teach home chefs how to master new culinary skills and create high-quality dishes in their home kitchens. With every recipe, she hopes to teach her readers one new kitchen skill that they can master and use in a future recipe. While you'll find a variety of recipes on her site, Jessica really enjoys baking and shaking up a good cocktail. Jessica has recently released her first online course, The Macaron Baking Experience, which teaches her readers how to successfully bake perfect macarons. In the coming year, Jessica hopes to release more online courses to share the skills she learned by attending culinary school in Italy. In this episode, you’ll learn about what to expect from culinary school, different courses available and how that translate your new

  • 520: 5 Ways to Bring More Money Into Your Business (Part 1 of 3) (Mindset & Self-Care)

    10/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Do you want to earn more money? Most of us would answer ‘yes’ to that question, yet we don't feel like we can talk about money openly. Megan unpicks this topic from a mindset perspective. This is Part 1 of 3 about 5 ways to help us bring more money into our business. As food bloggers, we normally have the potential to earn a lot. We’re skilled and passionate about what we do, generous and willing to seek financial freedom for our families. Yet, if we are looking to achieve our financial goals, it’s important to embrace a positive attitude towards money, debunking limiting beliefs, including those inherited from childhood. Megan talks through her own example of having gone from unnecessary debt to financial empowerment and encourages us to rewrite our own money stories like she did. She covers the following key points: 1. Money Matters: Don’t be afraid to discuss money openly. 2. Budgeting is Important: Keep track of your income and expenses to avoid debt and make more money. 3.  Money Beliefs: Recognize and c

  • 519: How to Step Into Your Role as CEO and Future-Proof Your Business with Madison Wetherill

    08/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    In episode 519, Madison Wetherill teaches us why it’s important to embrace the CEO mindset and implement regular CEO time in our businesses for risk management and goal-setting. Madison Wetherill is the founder of Grace + Vine Studios, as well as a food blogger and homeschooling mama to 3 boys. She is passionate about supporting bloggers and helping them to scale their blogs to increase their impact. She is the host of The Vine Podcast, sharing strategies for content creators to grow their food blog and connect with their audience. In this episode, you'll learn why scheduling regular CEO time can help your business grow, the importance of distinguishing between working on your business versus in it, and strategies for standing out in a crowded market. Key points include: - Is Your Blog a Business? If your blog is generating an income, you should start thinking of it as a business. - Regular CEO Time: Add regular CEO time to your calendar and involve your support system, like your spouse, to help you stick to

  • 518: What You Need to Know to Turn Your Food Blog Into a Business with Nadia Tariq

    04/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    In episode 518, Megan chats to Nadia Tariq about the transition from a food blogging hobbyist to business owner, highlighting key shifts in mindset, organization, and discipline. Nadia is a computer science graduate, x- project manager turned into pastry chef. She has been creating customized themed cakes for over a decade as a home business creating beautiful cakes for friends and family. Originally from Pakistan, she is based in Riyadh, KSA. Nadia started blogging in 2009 and only recently she decided to turn it into a business. Nadia is now working on her blog strategically in the quest to share her family recipes, Pakistani bakery and street foods to get recognized on the face of the culinary world She is also working as a food photographer, which was her long lost passion to generate some extra income which was not possible earlier due to raising a young family. In this episode, you’ll learn about why a food blogger would decide to turn their blog into a business, how to recognize that pivotal moment and

  • 517: 5 Ideas for Making Monday Easier (Mindset & Self-Care)

    03/04/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, Megan teaches us five practical ideas to alleviate the stress and overwhelm often associated with Mondays, offering insights and strategies to make the start of our week more manageable and fulfilling. Planning can make a notable difference to the start of your week. The better you prepare for what you have to do on a Monday, the better you will feel. In this episode, Megan explains how she prepares for Mondays in order to set a positive tone for the week ahead. Megan covers the following key points: 1. The 15 Minute Friday Plan: Plan ahead by dedicating just 15 minutes on Friday to map out your upcoming week. By scheduling downtime and aligning tasks with your goals, you can reduce mental clutter and increase productivity. 2. The One Hour Friday To-Do List Tackle: Allocate one hour on Friday or Saturday to tackle small tasks from your to-do list for the following week to minimize Monday morning stress and set yourself up for a smoother week. 3. Inbox Zero: Dedicate time on the weekend to cle

  • 516: How to Make Food Look Delicious Enough to Drive Traffic with Jo Keohane

    01/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    In episode 516, Jo Keohane teaches us how to style food to make it look as delicious as possible in order to drive more traffic to our blogs. Since graduating from Culinary School in NYC in 2010 Jo Keohane freelanced as a Recipe Developer and Food Stylist in test kitchens of many America’s best known publications, like Bon Appetit Magazine, Epicurious and Saveur. She has also worked with a variety of household brands like William Sonoma, Weightwatchers, Staub Cookware, Danone, Kraft and more. She started off life as a BBC journalist and then worked in PR in London. But a love of cooking and a desire to find a fulfilling career which would allow her to spend more time with her 3 kids took her back to school to study cooking. After moving to the USA in she was lucky enough to attend the Institute of Culinary Education in New York City. Now she runs her own food blog - The Family Food Kitchen - helping other busy families to eat well even when time is short! her blog focusses on easy, delicious and do-able recip

  • 515: Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others? (+How to Turn Comparison Into Inspiration) with Jenn Trepeck

    28/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    In episode 515, Jenn Trepeck teaches us why comparison is natural and how to deal with it in a healthy way that leads us closer to our goals by building our confidence instead of creating self-doubt. Jenn Trepeck has been described as a "force of nature" in the wellness space, recognized as one of Podcast Magazine’s 40 under 40, and nominated for the 2022 International Women’s Podcast Award for Visionary Leadership. She is an Optimal Health Coach, Podcaster, and Business Consultant. After graduating from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business, Jenn founded Better Life Now LLC while working full time in hedge funds. After over a decade of building her practice as a side-hustle, Jenn took the leap to full-time self-employment. That’s when she launched Salad with a Side of Fries Podcast, empowering larger audiences to achieve optimal health. She helps aspiring wellness warriors break into the health world, and mentors entrepreneurs to get started or level-up. In this episode, you’ll learn why our bra

  • 514: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself During a Challenging Time (Mindset & Self-Care)

    27/03/2024 Duration: 25min

    Megan shares five powerful questions to help shift our perspective during challenging times and help us find clarity. What do you do when you are experiencing a tough time in your life? It is when we face challenges that mindset shifts can really make a difference. Megan talks through the diverse range of challenges faced by entrepreneurs and emphasizes the importance of embracing difficulties as opportunities for growth. She shares her recent experience with a significant challenge and reveals how she navigated through it using mindset strategies. She covers the following questions points: 1. Who would I be without this thought? Challenge your thoughts during a rough time and envision a perspective free from negativity and embrace acceptance and peace instead. 2. What if it's a gift? Challenges can be potentially life-changing in a positive way. Recognize the unexpected gifts that emerge from these times in your life. 3. Who would I be without this challenge? Consider the personal growth and resilience culti

  • 513: The 5 Biggest Mistakes I made with My Food Blog with Samantha Blake

    25/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    In episode 513, Megan chats to Samantha Blake about the lessons she learned from her experience as a food blogger, including the importance of niching down, SEO strategy, web design and building a blogging network. Sam began a web design & SEO business after food blogging didn’t go as planned. While she still enjoys cooking and baking as a hobby, she learned she truly had a love for web design & SEO pieces when it comes to business. Sam particularly loves designing and developing websites & coming up with SEO strategies for food bloggers - it's the best of both worlds! She is so excited about the opportunity to share her experience and knowledge about SEO to help more food bloggers grow their blog. In this episode, you’ll learn about the common mistakes made by food bloggers, such as neglecting niche selection and keyword strategy, underestimating the value of backlinks, and prioritizing design over functionality. Key points include: - Niche and Keyword Strategy: It's crucial to pick a clear niche

  • 512: The Benefits of Creating and Fostering a Community of Like-Minded Bloggers with Janelle Hama

    21/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    In episode 512, Janelle Hama teaches us how to build a supportive community, especially around your blog’s niche, highlighting the benefits of collaboration, networking, and accountability within such communities. Janelle is a keen plant based recipe blogger specialising in vegan Lebanese food. Due to having to change her diet a few years ago for health reasons, this, coupled with her love of cooking, started Janelle on a blogger journey 3 years ago. In this episode, you’ll learn about whether you should create your own group or join an existing one as well as these topics: - Benefits of Community: Networking, collaboration, and seeking advice from others are key benefits of being part of a community. - Experience Sharing: Engaging with bloggers from diverse backgrounds brings different perspectives and learning opportunities. - Friendships and Support: Community offers emotional support, understanding, and celebration of achievements among bloggers. - Accountability: Being part of a community helps in settin

  • 511: 5 Ways to Limit Tech (Mindset & Self-Care)

    20/03/2024 Duration: 22min

    Have you ever felt worried about your screen time? Megan shares her personal struggles with tech addiction and offers five actionable strategies to limit tech usage for improved well-being. In this episode, you’ll learn practical methods to reduce tech dependency and reclaim control over your time and mental space. While technology makes our lives more comfortable, Megan emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and creating healthy habits to foster a balanced relationship with tech. She covers the following key points: - Set Times for Email Dipping: Establish specific times during the day for checking and responding to emails to prevent constant distraction and maintain focus on important tasks. - Establish Downtime Before the Week Begins: Plan and schedule dedicated downtime periods in your calendar to disconnect from technology and prioritize self-care and family time. - Set Timers for Social Media: Use timers to limit the duration of social media usage, gradually reducing dependency and reclaiming v

  • 510: Easily Transition From a Full-Time Job to Being a Full-Time Blogger and Stay-at-Home Mom with Lily Payen

    18/03/2024 Duration: 33min

    In episode 510, Megan chats to Lily Payen about how to transition from a full-time job to full-time blogging without getting overwhelmed and while managing responsibilities as a parent. Lily, a mom of three and former math teacher turned food blogger, never envisioned ever leaving the world of teaching, but the opportunity to blog somewhat fell into her lap and she’s now enveloped into that world. When Lily had her second son, she started sharing baby-led weaning recipes online and discovered a community of parents who were also looking for similar recipes. Things took off from there and she found herself in this new profession of blogging. Now Lily can't imagine doing anything else. In this episode, you'll learn about the importance of starting with a specific niche to make it easier to rank, maintaining consistency in content creation without burning out, having backup content prepared and not being too hard on yourself when you need to rest. - Start Specific: Learn the importance of starting with a specifi

  • 509: What Should You Do if You've Outgrown Your Blog's Niche? with Amy Whiteford

    14/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    In episode 509, Amy Whiteford teaches us what to do when our niche no longer aligns with our personal or professional circumstances and the importance of mindset shifts in sustaining a successful food blog. Amy Whiteford is a food enthusiast originally from Scotland, now residing in Sydney, Australia, and has been the driving force behind the blog Healthy Little Foodies since 2012. Amy is a mum of two "Little Foodies", Finlay (12) and Rory (9), and has a background in Food Science, Education, and Childhood Nutrition. Amy is on a mission to simplify mealtime for parents of babies / young children by providing healthy and delicious recipes and feeding tips. In this episode, you’ll learn about the challenges and rewards of maintaining a niche food blog as well as insights about rebranding, staying inspired, and focusing on the expertise you've gained even if you've outgrown your niche. - Niche Evolution: Sometimes you have to adapt your blog’s niche to changing circumstances. - Rebranding Strategy: Rebranding ca

  • 508: 5 Things to Stop Doing for Greater Happiness and Success (Mindset & Self-Care)

    13/03/2024 Duration: 23min

    What are 5 things we do that hinder our success and happiness? Megan talks through these self-sabotaging behaviors and how to cultivate a mindset conducive to greater happiness instead. You’ll learn valuable strategies to stop sabotaging yourself and your business success, including being aware when you are making excuses or resorting to inaction as a way to avoid scary tasks. She covers the following key points: 1. Making Excuses: Recognize and challenge excuses that hinder progress. By fostering awareness, individuals can break free from self-imposed limitations and pursue their goals with determination. 2. Letting Fear Run Your Life: By confronting fear head-on, you can experience growth and fulfillment. Taking bold actions can yield significant rewards and propel you towards your aspirations. 3. Caring What Others Think: It’s important to overcome the need for external validation and embrace who you are. 4. Not Taking Action: Inaction is detrimental to progress; embrace the power of small steps towards yo

  • Bonus: Pull Yourself Out of a Business Rut and Maximize Your Potential - How to Invest in Your Business Today with Melissa Erdelac

    12/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    In this bonus episode, Megan Porta and Melissa Erdelac discuss strategies for pulling yourself out of a business rut and the importance of investing in your business to accelerate your success. They cover information about identifying when your business growth is stagnant and one of the best ways to find new inspiration and valuable knowledge through in-person or virtual blogging retreats and conferences like Flavor Media Summit. This is an exclusive event run by Megan and Melissa for experienced food bloggers who have successful and income-generating businesses. Their goal is to unite accomplished food bloggers for strategic networking, empowering them to thrive, collaborate and ignite long-term growth in an exclusive and transformative gathering. Flavor Media Summit is a two-day workshop-style event taking place on May, 2nd and 3rd in Denver, Colorado. Their goal is to ensure that attendees walk away with a TON of valuable information that they started applying during the event so that they are not stuck wi

  • 507: How to Make Sure Your Recipes Succeed - Real Recipe Development with Sally Cameron

    11/03/2024 Duration: 51min

    In episode 507, Megan chats to Sally Cameron about the process of recipe development, including thorough testing, catering for your readers’ needs, food safety and building trust through recipes that succeed time and time again. Sally is a professionally trained chef, recipe developer, online content creator, speaker, and certified health and nutrition coach. She created all of the recipes for Dr. Mark Hyman’s NYT best seller Eat Fat Get Thin, the NYT million copy bestseller “The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life” companion cookbook, and Sony Five Essentials video series. She’s been blogging at A Foodcentric Life longer than she’d like to admit. Changing her diet by going gluten-free and focusing on whole fresh foods, lots of plants, nuts, seeds, healthy fats and quality proteins helped her lose weight, get healthy, detox from heavy metals, and recover from Lyme, mold, and gut issues. With all of that, it’s no surprise that special diets are her forte, because healthy is a lifestyle. Fun Fact: Sally's

  • 506: How to Stay Positive and Proactive in 2024 with Jillian Leslie

    07/03/2024 Duration: 49min

    In episode 506, Jillian Leslie teaches us strategies for how to get our mindset in the right place for 2024 and stay positive, while navigating the ever-changing landscape of online business.  Jillian Leslie loves building businesses on the internet with her husband, David. In 2009, they started Catch My Party, one of the largest party ideas sites on the web. In 2016, Jillian and David built MiloTree, a smart pop-up app to help bloggers and creators grow their social media followers and email lists. And in 2021, they built MiloTreeCart, the easiest tool for bloggers and creators to sell digital products. It's built for non-techies. For the past 4 years, Jillian has been hosting her weekly podcast called The Blogger Genius Podcast. She interviews successful bloggers, entrepreneurs, and industry experts to break down what's working now in online business. In this episode, you’ll learn about the power of staying open-minded and flexible in the face of changing circumstances, the significance of surrounding yours

  • 505: 5 Wins to Celebrate so You Can Be Happy NOW (Mindset & Self-Care)

    06/03/2024 Duration: 17min

    Megan explores 5 ways to celebrate wins in our business and life so that we can cultivate happiness every day. We tend to overlook our wins while constantly striving for the next best thing or goal. This way we never truly feel happy in the present moment. Megan therefore highlights the significance of pausing to appreciate our journey and accomplishments because by reflecting on our progress and successes, we can boost our happiness and mindset. She covers the following key points: 1. Acknowledge Your Present Wins: Consider how often you appreciate your current circumstances and reflect on your journey over the past months or years. 2. Celebrate Your Achievements: Celebrating wins sends a powerful message of gratitude. Whether through quiet moments of acknowledgment or indulgent treats, celebrating reinforces the value of our accomplishments. 3. Five Wins to Celebrate Now: Track Blog Statistics, Completed Projects, Physical and Mindset Progress, Goals and Dreams realised and Financial Gains. 4. Cultivate a H

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