James Mcallister Online Audio Blog - Business, Marketing, Entrepreneurship



Online business is evolving faster than ever, and it's easy to get left behind. James McAllister from James McAllister Online shares his best business and marketing tips, to help you grow your digital business. Having built several eCommerce brands from scratch which have gone on to acquire hundreds of thousands of customers, as well as making a full time living from blogging and internet marketing alone, James is here to share his best advice with you. If you're serious about achieving your business goals and creating the life you desire, you've found the perfect podcast for you.


  • This Long-Term Content Strategy Offers An Unbeatable ROI


    No other marketing channel has the same potential as content marketing - but only when it is done right. A well-executed content marketing strategy will offer a return on investment that is unmatched by most other marketing opportunities, and will bring attention, awareness, and revenue to your brand both in the short and the long-term. In this episode, we go over a framework worth developing, to ensure your content continues to work for you years into the future. https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/content-marketing-roi/

  • 7 Ways To Foster More Engagement On Social Media


    When it comes to social media marketing, increased reach is not always a good thing. If your messages aren't actually making an impact, you're wasting time and money for no good reasons. Social media marketers do best when they make engagement the core of their social media strategy. When you're able to engage the following you have effectively, it becomes far easier to scale profitably. In this episode, let's look over 7 tactics you can use to increase engagement on social media. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/engagement-social-media/

  • Entrepreneurs - It's Okay To Hate Your Own Company (But Here's How To Fix It)


    It can be incredibly devastating when you no longer enjoy working on your company - it may even force you to reconsider entrepreneurship entirely. While many entrepreneurs hate their small business at times, this doesn't mean that it has to be like this forever. Often times, there are a few small changes you can make to rekindle the excitement you once had as a new entrepreneur. In this episode, I talk more about what causes entrepreneurs to hate their own companies, and practical steps you can take to fix these negative emotions. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/hate-your-company-entrepreneur/

  • 7 Exciting Ways Blogging Can Benefit Your Small Business


    Blogging may be one of the most effective ways to market small businesses, yet few entrepreneurs take it seriously. The benefits in both the short and the long-term are enormous, and cannot be overstated. Whether your goal is to generate immediate sales or build a recession-proof brand, blogging can help you get there. In this episode, I highlight some of the ways blogging can benefit small businesses, in just about every industry. View this article on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/blogging-benefits-business-small/

  • How To Recession-Proof Your Small Business


    Economic recessions are an inevitable part of business, but many entrepreneurs are not prepared for them. In this episode, let's go over some steps you can take right now to begin recession-proofing your company, so you can be prepared to thrive throughout it. Regardless of whether a recession is imminent or years away, having a strategy in place will ensure that your business will not be seriously impacted when the economy begins to weaken. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/recession-proof-business/

  • Don't Put It Off - Why You Should Begin Utilizing Influencer Marketing Today


    From time to time, marketers are presented with opportunities to earn unusually high returns. Right now, influencer marketing is one of these powerful, undervalued marketing channels. The benefits in both the short and the long-term are enormous, and you don't need a large budget to get started. In this episode, I make the case why you should begin an influencer marketing campaign today, and avoid putting it off any longer. If you're already utilizing influencer marketing, I also share why you should begin scaling your efforts before it's too late. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/why-influencer-marketing/

  • Cold Email Outreach: A Detailed Strategy To Following Up Effectively


    Without a proper follow up strategy, you are leaving an enormous amount of money and opportunities on the table. Most deals are not made in the first or even the second contact, yet most people quit contacting people after only one or two emails without a positive response. In this episode, we go over cold email outreach tips to help you craft a systematized follow up strategy, designed to improve both your response rate and your conversion rate from your outreach campaigns. I share concrete examples to help you develop your ideal email sequence, and even share the exact templates I use to make more deals! View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/email-outreach-follow-up/

  • When To Work Hard, And When To Work Smart - Concrete Examples


    It's common knowledge that entrepreneurial success requires working both smart and hard, but there are certain times to focus on each. In this episode, we cover concrete examples on when it is best to work smart, and when it is best to work hard - forming a strategy that ensures that you earn the maximum return on your time possible. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/work-hard-smart-examples/

  • Should Entrepreneurs Learn To Program?


    Should entrepreneurs learn to program? This has been a debate for many years, and unfortunately, there isn't a clear answer. However, learning to program does have a large number of benefits, especially for entrepreneurs. In this episode, we'll discuss what some of these benefits are and how to get started with computer programming. This way, you can decide whether or not its worth pursuing for you. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/should-entrepreneurs-program/

  • Repeat After Me: I Will Never Compete On Price


    In business, you have a lot of opportunities to differentiate your offering from your competitors. However, the one stance you should never take is competing on price. Simply put, it just isn't necessary, and the drawbacks of competing on price are too large. In this episode, we cover why competing on price is a terrible idea for the majority of businesses, and what to do instead. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/never-compete-price/

  • Data Scraping For Small Businesses: Benefits, Tips, And How To Get Started


    Data scraping, mining, and analysis is not something that is only reserved for large corporations. With the vast amount of valuable data available online today, small business can benefit from data scraping jobs as well. In this episode we'll go over some of the benefits of data scraping, important issues to keep in mind, and how to get started. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/data-scraping-businesses-small/

  • Learn 1 Of These 7 Freelancing Skills, And You'll Never Be Without Money Again


    When it comes to developing new skills, some are more valuable than others. With more work being done online, and employers opting to hire freelancers rather than full-time employees, the demand for marketable skills has grown. In this episode, we go over 7 of the most sought after skills that are worth developing, if your goal is to make a lot of money freelancing. By mastering any one of these 7 skills, you ensure that you will never be without money again, as there will always be well-paying work available to you! View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/top-freelancing-skills/

  • 7 Branding Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Company


    Brands are fragile - taking a long time to build up, but very quick to crumble. Making too many mistakes can wipe out years of hard work incredibly quickly. In this episode, we go over key branding principals to develop a solid framework that will minimize mistakes, and keep your brand on track for positive long-term growth - ensuring you build and retain a passionate, loyal customer base forever. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/7-branding-mistakes/

  • 5 Ways To Simplify Your Business Strategy, To Focus On Execution


    Business is often made out to be far more complicated than it actually is. So, we develop complex plans with a lot of moving parts, only to find that nothing ever goes as planned. The reality is, a few things you do will bring the majority of results. In this episode, let's look at how we can simplify your business strategy, maximize your return on resources, and remain productive and consistent during execution. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/simplify-business-strategy/

  • Don't Become A 'Blogger' - Build A Personal Brand


    Despite the fact that blogging is still as strong as it's ever been, it's no longer worth building a business around blogging. This goal leaves you inherently vulnerable, as other marketers and entrepreneurs enter your space in a much wider fashion. The internet is larger than ever before and with more choices on where to spend their time, consumers are dedicating themselves less frequently to specific platforms. Therefore, I make the case in this episode for casting a wider net - developing a full media strategy, rather than just focusing solely on your website. I also share some strategies on how to develop this - and reposition yourself as a personal brand in your niche, rather than just another blogger. View the full post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/become-personal-brand/

  • 5 Steps To Building A Better Connection With Your Following


    It doesn't take a large audience or customer base to make a large amount of money online. While audience size is important, what's far more important is the relationship you already have with your existing audience. With a strong connection between you and your audience, it's possible to make a large amount of money from each individual. In this episode, let's look over proven methods and tactics you can utilize to build a stronger connection, foster further engagement, and make more sales from your existing audience! View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/better-connection-following/

  • Entrepreneurs: Quit Wasting Your Time And Money Obsessing Over These 5 Things


    One of the biggest problems entrepreneurs face is a lack of focus. Could you imagine how much more you could accomplish if you were using all of your resources - both your time, and your money - at 100% efficiency? Needless to say, this would be pretty powerful. In this episode, let's look over some of the most common things business owners waste resources on, so you can better utilize these resources for things that move the needle for your company. View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/quit-obsessing-these-things/

  • Should Entrepreneurs Go To College? If So, What For?


    Making major life decisions is never easy - especially when there is no one correct answer. If the purpose of college is to get a degree, with the goal of improving your job prospects, entrepreneurs are faced with an interesting dilemma. With dreams of one day owning their own business, is a degree even worth it in the first place? In this episode, we look over a bunch of different scenarios that you're likely to fall into, and help determine whether or not attending a college or university will be in your long-term best interests. View this post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/entrepreneurs-college/

  • Multiple Failed Businesses? Here's What To Do Differently Next Time


    There's only one thing more frustrating than building a business, only to see it fail - doing it multiple times. Repeated failure can be extremely discouraging, and make you question whether or not it's even worth pursuing entrepreneurship at all. In this episode, let's look over the common root causes of failed businesses, and develop a framework to ensure your next business attempt has a proven path towards success! View the post on my site here: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/multiple-failed-businesses

  • Circleboom Review - Is Circleboom The Best Twitter Management Tool?


    It has been a difficult few years for Twitter management tools, with many of the dominant players being heavily restricted, or shut down entirely. In an effort to combat spam, Twitter has imposed new restrictions on what these tools are capable of, leaving very few left on the market. In this episode, let's look over one of those tools that is still standing today - Circleboom. We'll cover all of the various features, analyze how well they performed, and decide whether Circleboom is worth the investment (or whether a different Twitter tool is better suited to your needs!) View the post on my site: https://jamesmcallisteronline.com/circleboom-review/

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