Ethan Bearman Left Coast News



We are your new home for news and opinions from the Left Coast. Ethan Bearman hits you with numerous updates throughout the day based on what is happening in the news, YOUR INPUT, and guest interviews.


  • Dispatch 25 Just Say No To Idiocracy

    29/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    California Governor Newsom is heading to El Salvador to get a better understand of why people are fleeing Central America while President Trump's rally in Michigan shows his naricissism, disconnect from reality, and his fear-connecting focus on The Other. He is why we need to connect with each other as human beings and stop the prophetic march of Idiocracy.

  • Dispatch 24 Death Tax To Pay Teachers

    27/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Teachers are an undervalued linchpin in our society. Senator (and presidential candidate) Kamala Harris is proposing a modest pay increase for teachers using an expansion of the estate tax to pay for it.

  • Dispatch 23 Health and Housing Hell

    26/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    The Trump Administration has ditched any last pretense of caring about Americans Health Care by directing the justice department to not defend any part of the Affordable Care Act. Plus, California's housing crisis is making for strange bedfellows.

  • Dispatch 22 AG Barr Crushes Conspiracy Claims

    25/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller turned in his report on Friday. Trump's new minted AG Barr handed Congress his summary on Sunday. No Trump/Russia conspiracy, but NOT an exoneration on obstruction.

  • Dispatch 21 Lock Them Up

    24/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    "Lock Her Up" has been chanted innumerable times and led by people like imprisoned Michael Flynn, now former AG Jeff Sessions at a Turning Point USA conference, and President Trump himself at CPAC. Does that apply to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner for their use of private email and WhatsApp for official state business? Plus, on the one year anniversary of March For Our Lives, we have the tragic news of a second suicide this week of a student at Stoneman Douglas High School.

  • Dispatch 20 New Zealand Rejects Violence While Finland Fights With Facts

    21/03/2019 Duration: 14min

    After the New Zealand terror attack on Muslims in their mosques, leadership from Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern regarding the violence. And former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley shows Americans ignorance regarding health care and socialized medicine like that in Finland. Why are we so resistant to facts and logic which would allow us to improve our country?

  • Dispatch 19 Second Jury Rules Roundup Causes Cancer

    20/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    The tide is turning, we are winning against the corruption in regulation against the poisons we are told to be safe. A second jury has found that Monsanto's Roundup CAUSED cancer in a person. Ethan explains the science behind it, why we need to stop using these poisons, and what you can do. Plus a Not The Onion related to health.

  • Dispatch 18 Devin Nunes Dumb Defamation Lawsuit

    19/03/2019 Duration: 18min

    Congressman Devin Nunes filed a frivolous and anti-Constitutional, anti-free speech lawsuit against Twitter, a user, and two parody accounts. Ethan breaks down the lawsuit, the law, and why this is so wrong and any Republican who supports free speech and the rule of law should turn their backs on him.

  • Dispatch 17 Why Government Regulation Boeing EPA

    18/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    We The People look to our government for regulation of things over which we don't have control. Boeing's 737 MAX is grounded for what might be a self-regulation problem. The EPA watered down regulations over a deadly chemical. And a Not The Onion to end on a lighter note.

  • Dispatch 16 Biden Almost In Alongside Beto

    17/03/2019 Duration: 18min

    Vice President Joe Biden almost announced his candidacy last night in Delaware and walked it back, Senator Klobuchar gave an interview with Chuck Todd this morning on MTP and mentioned Beto, who announced his candidacy this week! Ethan handicaps the Democratic primary. Who do you think is the team to beat Trump in 2020?

  • Dispatch 15 All Terror Attacks Are Wrong But Not Equal

    16/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    After the horrific terror attack by a majority group member against a minority group, many messages came in asking "what about..." An explanation of the difference, why all of these attacks are wrong, and why the Democratic Party should make the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights a Party Plank and emphasized.

  • Dispatch 14 Peace Not Xenophobia or Otherism

    15/03/2019 Duration: 13min

    Horrific terror attack against Muslims inside mosques in New Zealand. The fear of The Other is deep in our brains and must be overcome consciously. And President Trump hasn't helped with his latest comments in Breitbart to follow his years of inflammatory statements. Connect with your fellow humans today. Choose peace.

  • Dispatch 13 Death Penalty Death Knell

    13/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Should the government be in the business of killing its own people? California Governor Gavin Newsom has ordered the closure of the execution chamber at San Quentin. Ethan discusses his evolvement on the topic and why including a brief description Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development, specifically pre-conventional morality. Plus a Not The Onion befitting the topic.

  • Dispatch 12 College Corruption Controversy

    12/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    A disgusting fraud in the upper reaches of high education was announced today regarding the 1% fraudlently buying their kids into top schools. Not buy donating as alumni or legacy, but fraud. Is it time we get people to think more about the trades as careers?

  • Dispatch 11 Trump 2020 Brutal Budget Breakdown

    12/03/2019 Duration: 15min

    The Trump 2020 budget proposal came out and it marks a clear line between Democrats and Republicans. Plus, breaking news about the Boeing MAX 8 aircraft which has had 2 crashes. And a food you wouldn't expect would have a health claim makes the Not The Onion headline.

  • Dispatch 10 Tesla Elon Musk News Cult of Personality

    11/03/2019 Duration: 16min

    Tesla and CEO Elon Musk are in the news for the wrong reasons. Again. Ethan explains he is really Musk's friend, even though Musk blocked him on Twitter. Focus on sceince and engineering, let great people run the business. And stop with the Cult of Personality.

  • Dispatch 9 Insect Apocalypse Glyphosate Poison

    10/03/2019 Duration: 21min

    Word of the Insect Apocalypse is alarming, more bad news about Monsanto's Roundup (Glyphosate), we are killing ourselves with pollution. Ethan has 3 basic steps you can easily do. Let us know what you do to reduce pollution and leave us your comment below!

  • Dispatch 8 Daylight Saving Time What Is It Good For?

    09/03/2019 Duration: 11min

    Why oh why oh why do we continue with Daylight Saving Time? New legislation aims to change that. Should we keep it as is, year round, or abolish DST? Plus, a Not The Onion demonstrating why you should own a stick shift car.

  • Dispatch 7 Manafort Sentence Exposes Systemic Injustice

    08/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    ‪The Manafort injustice of 47 months in prison was just handed down exposing the system problems of justice in the United States of America. Listen to Ethan lay bare what is so broken.

  • Dispatch 6 Giant Trade Deficit Falling Net Worth Jordan Goodman

    07/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Bad news regarding the United States trade deficit and our total net worth. I discuss with America's Money Answers Man, Jordan Goodman.

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