Intentional Living With Tanya Hale

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 141:09:53
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Join certified life coach Tanya Hale on a journey of discovering how to live a more meaningful life filled with acceptance, contentment, and happiness.


  • #312 Divorce Is Not the End, Part 1

    17/06/2024 Duration: 41min

    Divorce is tough, and when it happens to you, it can be devastating, and it can feel like the end.  And to be honest, in many ways it is. But divorce can also be the beginning of finding yourself in a way you never have before.  It can be the beginning of understanding who you really are and how you can grow into a healtheir and happier version of yourself.  In this episode I am talking with my good friend and fellow life coach Wendy Lee Johnson about her divorce journey and how what seemed like the end, really turned into the beginning of an incredible life journey.  You can find Wendy at or on her podcast 'Parenting the Tough Stuff.'

  • #311 The Business and the Personal of Relationships

    10/06/2024 Duration: 37min

    There are parts of our relationships that we would consider 'business', and parts that we would consider 'personal'.  When we get the two all jumbled together, we end up with a lot of drama and miscommunication.  On this podcast I'm talking with my great friend and fellow coach Wendy Lee Johnson about how we can recognize these two aspects of our relationships and approach them differently to strengthen them.  Check her out at and on her podcast 'Parenting the Tough Stuff'.

  • #310 Understanding Our Adaptive Child - 'Us- by Terrence Real

    03/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    In Terrence Real's new book 'Us', (one of my newest favorites) he talks about our adaptive child.  This is the part of us that learned to adapt to the dysfunctional parts of our childhoods, which we all had.  And although these adaptive behaviors served and protected us as children, very often they are destructive to our adult relationships.  In this episode, I am sharing Terry's insight about our adaptive child and how engage our 'wise adult' instead.

  • #309 What An Equal Relationship Looks Like

    27/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    When I work with many of my clients regarding their one-up and one-down beliefs and behaviors, they often find themselves at a loss to describe what an equal response would look like or sound like in their circumstance.  We don't live in a world where equal partnerships have been modeled for us, in fact, mostly we live in a world where the opposite has been modeled, in our families or origin, extended families and friends' families, and on TV and in movies.  In this podcast, I dig a little deeper into what equal relationships look and sound like and how we can move our relationships in this direction.

  • #308 Stop Dabbling and Start Doing

    20/05/2024 Duration: 33min

    Some of the areas where we can feel the most stuck in our lives are places where we are just dabbling with change in our lives rather than digging in and doing what needs to happen to create the change we want.  And yet, dabbling is comfortable and easy and even justifiable, whereas committing to doing is scary and risky and requires some determination and courage.  When we choose to move into doing, into some dogged determination to create the change we want, we will create said change.  And once the commitment is fully made, we will even find and energy and drive behind us that will carry us through the challenges that will inevitably lie ahead.

  • #307 Curiosity, Not Criticism

    13/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    When we're not paying close attention, we can very easily slip into critical words and behaviors in our relationships.  Often, we won't even see it, because in our minds we are being helpful or just expressing concern or our opinion, but it can still very easily be perceived as criticism.  And criticism breaks down relationship by treading on trust and respect.  When we create awareness around our critical tendencies, stop criticizing, and instead move into curiosity, we create deeper connection and intimacy.  Curiosity strengthens our relationships whereas criticism destroys our relationships.  

  • #306 The Problem with Happiness

    06/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    We live in a society that can be a little happiness obsessed at times.  And though the thought of being happy all the time can sound lovely, it's just not going to happen.  Life is meant to be messy, to be challenging, and to provide us with a lot of opportunities to figure out the tough stuff.  It can be difficult to remember this when we live in a world where discomfort is seen as a problem to be avoided rather than just part of life.  This week we are discussing how to balance out the discomfort of life and our quest for happiness.

  • #305 When We Don't Feel 'Good Enough'

    29/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    Most of us, at one time or another, have had a story that we are not good enough.  And it can really wreak havoc in our lives.  It can cause us to feel insecure, and from that place we struggle to be the person we really want to be.  Understanding how to address our 'not good enough' thoughts is a life-changing skill that will bring a confident and beautiful approach to life.  

  • #304 Personalities, Preferences, and Perspectives

    22/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    It is really easy for us to create dysfunctional and destructive relationships when we haven't learned how to respect and honor others' personalities, preferences, and perspectives.  These three things are at the heart of who people are, and when we reject these things, we reject them.  And when we reject them, we shut down the opportunity to create deeper friendship and intimacy.

  • #303 The Thought Model Reteach

    15/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    Although I talk about the thought model and use it here on the podcast, it's been a while since I talked about the basic parts of it and how they work together.  On this podcast we will be looking at how the circumstances in our lives are neutral, how we have thoughts about those circumstances, how those thoughts create feelings, how our feelings fuel our actions, and then how our actions create the ultimate results in our lives.  When we can understand this model more clearly, we have the tools to clean up our lives and our relationships in ways we never imagined.  And it all starts with a thought. . . huh!  Who knew?!?

  • #302 Gottman’s Four Horsemen – Destroying Relationships Has Never Been So Easy

    08/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    John Gottman is a brilliant relationship expert who has done an amazing amount of research on what makes marriages successful.  He has identified four elements of dysfunctional behavior in marriages that are especially destructive, and he calls these The Four Horsemen.  These four elements are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling.  In this podcast we are digging into these four behaviors and learning how to identify and clean them up in our own relationships.

  • #301 The Primitive Brain Problem

    01/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    Our primitive brain does some amazing things for us.  However, if we aren't paying attention, it can keep us stuck and struggling to create the kind of life we really want to have.  When we learn to manage our primitive brain and engage our pre-frontal cortex, we have the capacity to really show up for our life in the ways we want.  On today's podcast, we're learning just how to use your brain to do what you really want to do.

  • #300 Lessons Learned From the Second Year of Our Second Marriage

    25/03/2024 Duration: 40min

    Today Sione and I are celebrating our second year of marriage, and we have a lot to celebrate!  In this podcast we are talking about how we have grown this past year, tools we have learned and implemented, and ideas we have come to understand better.  This is a chance for you to see how the tools I teach here on the podcast are implemented in real life.  

  • #299 Love Is Not a Reward

    18/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    I think a lot of us grew up believing, at some level, that love was a reward for good behavior.  And yet, when looked at through the eyes of God, love is never a reward.  Love is actually the first and greatest commandment, it is a law. The law of love teaches us that regardless of how others act, regardless of how we're treated, regardless of what is said or done, our responsibility in every situation is to learn how to love.  That's a tall order, to be sure, and it is also the way to find our greatest happiness and best relationships ever.

  • #298 Friendship In Marriage

    11/03/2024 Duration: 29min

    Many of the people I work with who are struggling in their marriages find friendship with their partner to be elusive.  It was there when they got married, and over time, they have become more and more distant, negative, and dismissive, until they find they just don't have a good friendship with their spouse anymore.  And this is a huge problem.  Dr. John Gottman, a relationship expert has said, 'happy marriages are based on a deep friendship. . . a mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other’s company.'  It's time to rekindle the friendship in our marriages, and in this podcast we're going to talk about how.

  • #297 Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?

    04/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    I hear so many people who just want us all to get along.  What many of them are meaning is, why can't everyone have the same opinions and wants and needs?  Why doesn't everyone just do things the way I want and then it would be easy?  Of course that would be easy, it would also defeat a huge part of the reason we are here on earth, to learn to be more loving and accepting and respectful of other people's agency.  So, maybe we're actually not all supposed to get along, maybe we're really supposed to learn to love and accept other people for who they are and honor their agency.  

  • #296 Creating More Safety in Your Relationship

    26/02/2024 Duration: 31min

    When we feel safe in our relationships, we feel we can show up with more vulnerability.  When we show up with more vulnerability, we create more emotional and physical intimacy.  But oftentimes, the behaviors we are engaging in in our relationships put the other person into protective mode rather than feeling safe, and so we struggle to create the connected relationships we really desire.  In this podcast we will talk about ten ways we can create more of a safe space for our person.

  • #295 Safety in The Relationship Circle

    19/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    So many of us did not learn growing up what it means to be in a relationship.  If you're like me, you thought that growing up and getting married would mean that you would have someone to love you, to shore up your insecurities, to validate you, or to agree with your opinions.  If you're like me, what you wouldn't have thought was that a relationship is a place to learn how to be more loving and kind and show up in a space of US rather than a space of ME.  In this podcast we are digging a little deeper into what it means to show up in relationship to create a safe space for our partner.

  • #294 The 90-day Relationship How To

    12/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    When I really got serious about dating in my 50's, I used something called the 90-day Relationship.  An idea baby of Brooke Castillo from The Life Coach School, I took it and ran with it.  Basically, you're all in, fully committed, and figuring things out for 90 days.  It was a brilliant process for me to figure out relationships more and to find my person.  Through this process I discovered some of my most destructive patterns of behavior and was able to clean them up.  Check out this podcast to learn more about why this process worked so amazingly well for me.

  • #293 Dating in Mid-life

    05/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    Dating in the middle part of our lives is a different ballgame than when we were in our 20s.  Thank goodness!  We have a much better understanding of who we are and what is really important to us in a relationship.  And using the tools you learn here on the podcast you will be able to create something very different.  I'm going to be sharing with you some of the ways that I showed up dating in my 50s that I feel made a huge difference for me finding such an amazing partner.  

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